Types of Possible Etica Proposals:

There are many ways to post on Etica: Learn more here on how to publish. This article is more on the type of content that needs to be posted. ZW and Cris shared thoughts are here.

Some other important comments:

ZW on telegram: “The public can vote according to their will. There will be a balance between the professional peer-reviewers and the public.” A very interesting message from him that highlights one of the advantages of the Etica protocol.

“Since I mentioned the use of language, I will briefly explain it. In professional research article, any exaggeration, unnecessary adjectives are strictly prohibitied. Any results or discussions are stated plainly in a serious tone as facts in order to look professional.” added by ZW

“For a follow-up study (This is different from the initial proposal). We expect results to be published at least partially. On ETICA, the sharing of open-source research data and results is its goal. If no experiment is perfomed, and no results published. How do we evaluate the effectiveness of the follow-up study? It adds no value to the blockchain. The study is therefore better terminated.”

“The demonstration of research progress is key for the continuation of follow-up studies. Without any mention of the experimental setup, its partial results, there is no way for the reviewer to judge the quality of research nor its feasibility.”

“Eventually, ETICA need to surpass this level of quality. AND also provide open access to results. Not saying it has to reach this level now. But needs to at least show some effort. Having absolutely no results is not great”

“Decoding Research: Navigating the Landscape of Scientific Publications”

First of all: Thank you @zyxtina on Discord and telegram, or Cris for writing this.

Here we go a good start – # Guide to Scientific Publications


Welcome to the world of scientific publications! This document serves as a comprehensive guide to the diverse range of scientific publication types, intended for a technically adept audience eager to understand and possibly contribute to the field of scientific research. The aim is to demystify the formats, purposes, and processes of different publications, making the realm of scientific discourse more accessible and engaging.

Types of Scientific Publications

1. Original Research Articles

These are detailed reports presenting original and novel findings. They are fundamental to the progression of science, allowing researchers to share new insights and discoveries. Typically, they include sections such as introduction, methodology, results, and discussion.

2. Review Articles

Review articles provide a summarization and critical evaluation of existing literature on a specific topic. They synthesize findings from various studies, offering a comprehensive overview and understanding of the area of research.

3. Short Communications

Short communications are brief descriptions of significant current research findings. They are quicker to publish than full research articles, allowing researchers to disseminate important results promptly.

4. Case Reports

Case reports detail specific instances of interesting or rare occurrences in a clinical or research setting. They are valuable in medical fields as they can unveil new types of diseases, treatment outcomes, or rare findings.

5. Letters and Commentaries

Letters are short descriptions of research findings or critical comments on published articles. Commentaries are usually opinion pieces written by senior researchers discussing the implications of a specific study or topic.

6. Conference Proceedings

These are collections of papers or posters presented at academic conferences. They include cutting-edge research and are often the first place new research is publicly presented.

7. Technical Reports

Produced mainly by governmental agencies or specific institutions, technical reports detail the progress or results of scientific or technical research and are often not subject to peer review.

8. Theses and Dissertations

These are detailed documents submitted in pursuit of an academic degree, representing the author’s research and findings in their field of study.


This guide is intended to be a dynamic resource, evolving with contributions from the community to stay relevant and up-to-date. Understanding the landscape of scientific publications not only aids in consuming scientific content but also empowers individuals to contribute effectively to the expanding body of knowledge. Whether you’re a novice reader, an aspiring researcher, or a seasoned scientist, grasping the nuances of these publications is key to navigating the vast sea of scientific information. // thank you ChimiaResearch GPT needs much more but at least a start, I need to sleep, have a lovely day or night, everyone

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